Call for Papers: Kurvatek (Vol. 9, No. 2 of November 2024)



Dear Sir/Madam,

We congratulate to the author whose paper has been published online for the Regular Issue of April 2024. For the issue of Vol. 9. No. 2, November 2024, we invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to send manuscripts of their latest research results to be considered for publication in the KURVATEK Journal. The scope of the journal is in the fields of geology, mining, electrical engineering, civil engineering, engineering materials, energy conservation and renewable energy, as well as regional and urban planning, and other engineering fields where the research fall in the theme of energy management and sustainable environment. The articles will be reviewed by reputed reviewers. The process of submitting articles until the production will be using Open Journal System (OJS). All published articles will have a digital object identifier (DOI) and articles in English are highly welcome. The schedule of paper submission until publication is as below.
1. Full manuscript submission (1 May - 30 September 2024)
2. Peer review process (15 July - 15 October 2024)
3. Camera ready for publication (25 October 2024)
4. Paper published online (1-10 November 2024). 

Guideline for further detailed information on manuscript submission, authors are encouraged to visit

1. The paper template (New Template)
2. Example of a full paper based on new template (Example Paper)
3. We welcome the article which is more in English
4. We are  not accepting the paper from Pengabdian Masyarakat (Community Services)
5. There is no submission process where manuscripts are directly accepted. The manuscript must go through a review process and the author must revise it and upload it back to the submission system.
6. Correspondence authors should be responsible for communicating with editors, making revisions, and knowing the status of their paper in the system as well as completing their contributor in the metadata system. After two (2) months of submission to the journal and no notification from the editor, authors must inquire about the status of their paper. Conversely, after two (2) weeks when the editor requests revisions or sends messages and no response from the Author, it means your paper has been considered elsewhere.

Your faithfully,

The Editor-in-Chief