Rekayasa Lereng Andesit Menggunakan Metode Finite-Element
Geotechnical study data collection includes geotechnical mapping, observations of landslide models that can occur, and sampling for physical and mechanical properties testing. The geotechnical study carried out is by analyzing slides on production slopes, the analytical method used in the analysis of landslides on slopes is the kinematic method, analysis with this method uses rock mass parameters, discontinuity planes, and production slope geometry as input. From the results of avalanche analysis using the kinematic method, it was found that the landslide that has the potential to occur is a field avalanche of 47,50%.The overall slope stability analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM) shows the overall slope is in a stable condition seen from the value of the Safety Factor (FK) which is 1, 26. For single slope stability analysis, the slope is modeled with three variations of slope and three variations of height to determine the minimum limit for optimal slope geometry, for slopes with a slope of 50o the SRF value obtained from the modeling results > 1.25 which shows the slope is in stable condition, the slope is stable. has a safety factor of <1.25 (unstable), namely a slope with a slope of 70o which indicates that if the slope is made higher, a landslide can occur on the mine slope.For slopes with optimal conditions compared to the other two angle variations, slopes with a slope of 50o and a maximum height of 10 m with an SRF of > 1.25 which can be used as optimal slope recommendations, slopes with this slope if modeled with several variations in height, namely 5 m has an SRF of 2,02 , a height of 10 m has an SRF of 1.48, and a height of 15 m has an SRF of 1.28, which shows three variations in height using a slope of 50o have an FK value > 1.25, whereas if the height is made to exceed the height limit 10 m, the slope will have the potential for landslides.
Keyword : Geotechnical Studies, Overall Slope Stability, Safety Factors, FEM, Actual Slope Geometry.
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