• Hendri widiantoni Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta


Access to clean water is not evenly distributed in some areas of Samarinda, while Samarinda's monthly rainfall is quite high, namely 213.9 mm in 2017. Rainwater can be harvested as an alternative source of clean water. In addition, runoff can be reduced by harvesting rainwater, so this study was conducted using several scenarios to find the best rainwater harvesting system (RWH System) for residences. Samarinda daily rainfall data for 5 years (2015-2019) is used in this study. SPAH was simulated on 15 user groups with roof area ranging from 36 m2 to 120 m2 and the number of occupants 2-5 people. RWH System is also simulated using different tank sizes that available in the market. The optimum tank size is determined based on the lowest annual water cost with the water price benchmark from PERUMDAM Tirta Kencana (public water company). The optimum tank capacity used ranges from 1200-3600 liters. When the optimum tank is used, the SPAH can supply 23.7% to 75.5% of water needs and the payback period of the installation is from 12 years to 19 years.


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