• Revia Oktaviani Universitas Mulawarman
  • Ketut Swarningsih Universitas Mulawarman
  • Henny Magdalena Universitas Mulawarman
Kata Kunci: Indeks Plastis, Kekuatan & Ketahanan Batuan


The value of rock strength and resistance is used to indicate the ability of a rock to withstand when a load or force is applied, while the plastic index value can be used to determine the type of soil and the plasticity of the soil. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between plastic index with uniaxial compressive strength and durability index on claystone in Samarinda city and its surroundings. From the 3 research sampling locations, the maximum compressive strength value was 3.089 Mpa and the maximum claystone resistance value was 3.3% and was classified as very weak rock with a low plastic index. The relationship between the three is interrelated so that if the value of the plasticity index is low, the strength and resilience of the rock is included in the classification of weak rock and vice versa.

Keyword: Plastic Index, Rock Strength & Resistance


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