Dampak Pengolahan Batu Andesit Terhadap Kondisi Lingkungan di Desa Dadirejo Kecamatan Baleng Kabupaten Purworejo Provinsi Jawa Tengah

  • Siti Fadjriah Kader Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
  • Shilvyanora Aprilia Rande Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
  • Mustapa Ali Mohamad Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
Kata Kunci: ennviroment, impact, ansdesit stone, processing


PT. Gawi Maju Karsa or abbreviated as PT. GMK is a national scale company engaged inandesite mining. In andesite mining activities carried out by PT Gawi Maju Karsa the environmental, social, and economic conditions of the community around the mining site must be considered carefully. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the andesite stone processing industry on the environmental, social, and economic conditions of the community around the minesite as well as the factors that encourage thedevelopment of the andesite stone processing industry.
The method used to determine the impact on environmental, social and economic conditions is laboratory tests and interviews with the surrounding community so that the impact of the andesite stone processing industry on the physical condition of the environment greatly affects the environment dueto the greater demand for andesite stone, thus encouraging PT Gawi Maju Karsa to produceon a large scale so as not to pay attention to environmental conditions thatcause environmental damage such as the emergence of critical land. And also the results of testingthe quality of air and water are still in normal conditions that do notendanger and harm thecommunity.
The socio-economic impact of the community due to the andesite stone processing industry is one of the sources of income for the surrounding community at the mine site. As well as opening the mindset of the community to be active in social life. The suggestion put forward is that the local government should supervise and take firm action against companies that commit basic violations of the environment.


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