Analysis of the Use of 80% Waste Oil in Products HiMEX70 on the Quality of Blasting Results at PT Petrosea Jobsite Kideco Jaya Agung East Kalimantan

  • Demanson Ornansah Sinaga Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
  • Novandri Kusuma Wardana Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
  • Erry Sumarjono Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta
Kata Kunci: Oli Bekas, Peledakan, Fragmentasi, Cost Fuel.


Hanwha Mining Service Indonesia is one of the largest mining service companies engaged in the field of Drilling and Blasting service providers in Indonesia. PT Petrosea Jobsite Kideco Jaya Agung is one of the customers of PT. Hanwha Mining Service Indonesia which carries out large mining operations, so it has a lot of used oil waste. PT Petrosea Jobsite Kideco Jaya Agung cooperates with PT. Hanwha Mining Service Indonesia to increase the waste oil content from the previous 60% waste oil to 80% waste oil in the manufacture of emulsion-based explosives in order to reduce the amount of toxic and hazardous material waste (oil used) and reduce blasting operational costs. The initial stage of the research was carried out by laboratory testing 9 parameters of used oil in accordance with the criteria for B3 waste lubricating oil from used hazardous and toxic waste management activities for the utilization of hazardous and toxic waste with the aim as control and efforts to prevent the occurrence of environmental damage due to the use of used oil as a mixture in the manufacture of emulsion-based explosives. In accordance with existing standards, the treatment carried out on mixing explosives with a mixture of 80% waste oil carried out by PT. Hanwha Mining Service Indonesia still produces optimal blasting quality so that it can reduce the use of diesel fuel and reduce blasting operational costs.


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