Kajian Eksperimental Penggunaan Katalisator Broquet Terhadap Performansi Mesin Otto Berkapasitas 113 cc
In this study we are conduting research on the effects of the use of a catalyst (Broquet)and also emission levels exhaust of motorcycle 113 cc fuel capacity
 which use Premium RON 88 and Pertamax RON 92 as fuel.
This study also to do a comparison of engine performance (torque,
power specific fuel consumption,thermal efficiency,air fuel ratio)
 The result obtained the engine performance was increased by
using soaked fuel with broquet. By using premium the torque
 increase up to 5 % , The power increase up to 5.2 %  SFC decrease
of 12 %while using pertamax the torque increase of 1 %,
power increase of 1 % SFC decrease of 3 %.
The emission of exhaust Reduce by using soaked fuel with broquet.
 While using premium the content of CO was decrease of 30%,
 HC decrease of 11 % and CO2 increase of 38 %.
 By using pertamax the content of CO was decrease of 10 %,
HC decrease of 19 % and CO2 increase of 9 % Keywords: engine performance, Broquet catalytic,catalyst.
Pradana Aditya “ Pengujian Penggunaan Katalisator Broquet Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang Mesin Sepeda Motor 4 Langka†Universitas diponegoro. 2012.
https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katalis diakses pada tanggal 21 april 2016
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http://www.broquet.com/introduction. Diakses pada tanggal 21 april 2016
Wahyudi, Johan, “Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Batu Zeolit Untuk Reduksi Emisi Gas Buang Pada Kendaraan Bermotor Bensinâ€,Petra Christian University, 2008 Pradana and Arijanto 2012
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