Pengaruh Temperatur Aging Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Keausan pada Auminium Paduan
This research uses aluminum alloy material with the heat treatment process carried out is solution streatment at 500oC with a holding time of 60 minutes, then quenching quickly in water. The process continued with aging heat treatment with temperatures of 120oC, 160oC and 200oC for 2 hours, then cooled at room temperature. The tests carried out are microstructure test, wear test and tensile test. This test aims to determine the effect of aging temperature on wear testing and tensile testing. The results of the Aluminum composition test can be seen that the alloying elements contained in Aluminum are 70.09 Al and > 14.40 Mg entered as Al-Mg alloy. Based on the composition data, this specimen is categorized into 5 series Aluminum alloys. Microstructure observations show that Aluminum that undergoes heat treatment and temperature aging undergoes changes in microstructure, namely dissolution at 2 hours which causes the durability and strength of the material to increase. Wear testing on raw material specimens obtained an average value of 0.001420 mm3 / kg.m. The highest wear value is obtained in specimens with an aging process at 200oC, which is 0.002092 mm3 / kg.m. Aluminum which has the maximum tensile strength is Aluminum which is aged for 2 hours with a temperature of 200°C, which is 277.95 MPa and a strain value of 33.37%.
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