Keberhasilan suatu proyek dapat diukur dari empat hal, yaitu tepat mutu, tepat waktu, tepat biaya dan tidak terjadinya kecelekaan kerja dalam pelaksanannya. Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan pekerjaan struktur pada ‘’Proyek Pembuatan Pagar Pembatas Pengaman Aset Tanah dan Pengembangan Tempat Parkir Istana Kepresidenan Yogyakarta’’. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perubahan biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan proyek dengan variasi penambahan jam kerja (lembur) dan menganalisis biaya pelaksanaan proyek akibat penambahan jam kerja (lembur).
Metode percepatan yang digunakan yaitu Time Cost Trade Off. Proses input data untuk menganalisis percepatan meliputi dua tahap, yaitu dengan percepatan durasi dan penambhan biaya proyek (baseline) dan memasukkan optimasi durasi dengan penambahan jam kerja (lembur).
Hasil perhitungan waktu normal penyelesaian proyek dengan durasi waktu 60 hari, dilakukan percepatan dengan durasi lembur 1 jam lembur adalah 59,93 hari dengan selisih 6,07 hari, durasi 2 jam lembur adalah 49,48 hari dengan selisih 10,52 hari, durasi 3 jam lembur adalah 46,15 hari dengan selisih 13,85 hari. Biaya pecepatan 1 jam lembur sebesar Rp,00, terjadi penambahan biaya sebesar Rp 69.753.000,00. Biaya pecepatan 2 jam lembur sebesar Rp 1.269.803.700,00, terjadi penambahan biaya sebesar Rp 81.302.800,00. Biaya pecepatan 3 jam lembur sebesar Rp,00, terjadi penambahan biaya sebesar Rp 84.565.500,00.
Kata kunci: Durasi, Biaya, Percepatan, Selisih, Proyek.
The success of a project can be measured from four things, namely the right quality, the right time, the right cost and the absence of work accidents in its implementation. In the implementation of the construction of structural works on the "Construction of Land Asset Guardrail Project and Development of Parking Lot at the Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta". The purpose of this research is to analyze changes in costs and time of project implementation with variations in the addition of working hours (overtime) and to analyze the cost of project implementation due to additional (overtime).
The acceleration method used is Time Cost Trade Off. The data input process for analyzing the acceleration includes two stages, namely by accelerating the duration and adding project costs (baseline) and entering the optimization of the duration by adding (overtime).
The results of the calculation of the normal time for project completion with a duration of 60 days, accelerated with an overtime duration of 1 hour overtime is 59.93 days with a day difference of 6.07 days, duration of 2 hours overtime is 49.48 days with a difference of 10.52 days of overtime, the duration of 3 hours of overtime is 46.15 days with a difference of 13.85 days. The 1 hour overtime acceleration fee is IDR 1,258,253,900.00 from the previous fee IDR 1,188,500,900.00, there is an additional fee of IDR 69,753,000.00 A 2 hour overtime speed fee of IDR 1,269,803,700.00 from the previous fee of IDR 1,188,500 900.00, there was an additional fee of Rp. 81,302,800.00. The 3 hour overtime acceleration fee was Rp. 1,273,066,400.00 from the previous fee of Rp1,188,500,900.00, there was an additional fee of Rp. 84,565,500.00.
Keywords: Duration, Cost, Acceleration, Difference, Project.
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