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Mulai Volume 4 nomor 1 2021, segala bentuk informasi terkait Editorial Workflow ( seperti editor decision, kemajuan tahapan publikasi, dll) hanya akan disampaikan melalui e-mail. Editor Jurnal tidak akan menindaklanjuti permintaan untuk menerbitkan Surat Penerimaan Artikel (Letter of Acceptance/LoA) selain yang telah diinformasikan oleh Editor kepada penulis melalui e-mail. 


Terbitan Terkini

Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Reka Ruang
Diterbitkan: 2024-04-06


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Reka Ruang is an open access scientific peer-reviewed journal published by Study Program of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta. Reka Ruang is published periodically twice a year, in June and December. Reka Ruang is committed to the development of research in the topic of urban and regional studies,  spatial planning and policy, urban and regional economics, urban design, disaster mitigation, spatial modelling, and urban environmental management.  This journal aims to contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals through research and academic debates. It publishes original research from early-career researcher and professional researcher who would like to contributes in the development of the urban and regional policy and planning.  

The publisher is committed to improve the quality of the publication and to achieve the journal accreditation from the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education in 2021. Every article submitted to Reka Ruang will be blindly reviewed by independent reviewer to ensure the quality of the publication. In order to be accepted in Reka Ruang, a paper must fit the focus and scope of Reka Ruang, be clearly and coherently written, and be methodologically sound.  

Reka Ruang is currently under re-accreditation process by SINTA.