Efek Perubahan Nilai SWR Pada Siaran Televisi Mobil

SWR & Televisi Mobil

  • roni kartika pramuyanti Universitas Semarang



There is some signal which is take effect  to the antena among others SWR the Standing Wave Ratio which is a comparison or ratio of the existing resistance in a circuit, which is a comparison between the external resistance and the internal resistance. Calculation or the magnitude of this comparison or ratio will have an effect on the existing circuit.The magnitude of the SWR value has been  classified in the name of ideal, less ideal or not ideal. The influence of the SWR value that has been summarized in a classification will certainly have a felt effect for the user of the tool or instrument that has the SWR value.

With the classification that has been summarized previously coupled with existing calculations, the influence of the magnitude of the SWR value will be explained.Before getting a bad influence or effect from the SWR value, the user will be able to anticipate or prevent the bad thing from happening. In addition, there is a possibility that users can also eliminate or minimize the occurrence of such disturbances or unfavorable influences.

By knowing all the disturbances, the user will be able to prevent it so that everything that happens is as expected. From what has happened, the data will conclude about the effect of the SWR value on car television broadcasts which are directly related to the antenna.

Keywords: SWR, Standing Wave Ratio, Ideal, Classification, Car Television

Author Biography

roni kartika pramuyanti, Universitas Semarang

universitas Semarang


[1] Roni Kartika, Arie Endang, M. Sipan, Perbandingan Bahan Konduktor Untuk Pentransmissian Gelombang radio, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengembangan LPPM USM , 2014 vol 2, hal. 13-17
[2] Roni Kartika Pramuyanti, Allumunium Bahan Antena Untuk Optimasi Transmisi Gelombang Radio, Jurnal Simetris UMK Kudus, 2016 Nom. 1 Vol 7 Hal 345 -352.

[1] Kartika Roni, Analisa Bahan Dasar Pembuat Antena Untuk Memaksimalkan Daya Pancar dan Daya Terima, Semnas Retii ke 10, 2015, vol 2 hlm 160-165.

Thesis/Disertation (sudah dipublikasi):
[1] Roni Kartika, Klasifikasi Pola Isyarat EKG menggunakan Logika Fuzzy. Thesis. Universitas gajah mada Yogyakarta; 2004.
[1] Roni Kartika, Klasifikasi Nilai SWR Ideal Antenna Berbahan dasar Allumunium Dengan Logika Fuzzy, LPPM USM 2020.
How to Cite
pramuyanti, roni kartika (2021) “ Efek Perubahan Nilai SWR Pada Siaran Televisi Mobil”, ReTII, pp. 92 - 97. Available at: //journal.itny.ac.id/index.php/ReTII/article/view/2688 (Accessed: 19February2025).