Aplikasi Logika Fuzzy Pada Pengelompokan Nilai SWR Ideal Antena dengan Bahan Dasar Allumunium

  • roni kartika pramuyanti Universitas Semarang


The SWR  is a comparison of the resistance value, here the SWR value is classified. Assisted by the FIS editor of the Matlab program, several classification results will be obtained. With the Fuzzification process, 3 types of classifications will be obtained, namely less than ideal, ideal and not ideal. There are 2 ways to calculate the SWR which all produce ideal results that are almost the same as the results of the observations. The use of the FIS editor in the classification here is in the form of traces, each of which has a range of values, although each input / input only has one value, so the FIS editor uses the triangle membership function. It can be concluded that the SWR value that can make an instrument operate properly is not necessarily ideal because instruments such as antennas will be heavily influenced by external environmental factors.

Author Biography

roni kartika pramuyanti, Universitas Semarang
universitas Semarang


Roni Kartika, Arie Endang, M. Sipan, Perbandingan Bahan Konduktor Untuk Pentransmissian Gelombang radio, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengembangan LPPM USM , 2014 vol 2, hal. 13-17
Roni Kartika Pramuyanti, Allumunium Bahan Antena Untuk Optimasi Transmisi Gelombang Radio, Jurnal Simetris UMK Kudus, 2016 Nom. 1 Vol 7 Hal 345 -352.
Kartika Roni, Analisa Bahan Dasar Pembuat Antena Untuk Memaksimalkan Daya Pancar dan Daya Terima, Semnas Retii ke 10, 2015, vol 2 hlm 160-165.
Edited book:
Zade F, Talenta A. Editors. Advanced Fuzzy Control System. Yogyakarta: UAD Press. 2010.
Roni Kartika, Klasifikasi Pola Isyarat EKG menggunakan Logika Fuzzy. Thesis. Universitas gajah mada Yogyakarta; 2004.
Roni Kartika, Klasifikasi Nilai SWR Ideal Antenna Berbahan dasar Allumunium Dengan Logika Fuzzy, LPPM USM 2020.
How to Cite
pramuyanti, roni kartika (2020) “Aplikasi Logika Fuzzy Pada Pengelompokan Nilai SWR Ideal Antena dengan Bahan Dasar Allumunium ”, ReTII, pp. 13-20. Available at: //journal.itny.ac.id/index.php/ReTII/article/view/2024 (Accessed: 18February2025).