Abstract— Air pollution is a problem that continues to occur every year. Motorized vehicles are currently the largest contributor to pollution in Indonesia because in the last 10 years there has been a rapid increase in the number of motorized vehicles, especially motorcycles with a 30% jump and 70% distribution in urban areas. Motorized vehicles are a source of air pollution that produces CO emissions, around 40-50% also produce HC and NOx. In addition, motorized vehicles also produce particulate matter and SO2, but not as much as CO, HC and NOx. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor air quality in the form of emission monitoring to estimate CO2 emissions. The research method used is descriptive quantitative through primary data collection by observation and secondary data collection by literature study. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the CO2 emission potential. The total CO2 emission potential on Taman Siswa Street, Sekaran based on direct calculations is 125,868.88282 Types of vehicles along Taman Siswa Street, Sekaran is dominated by private vehicles.
Keywords: Air pollution, CO2 emissions, Motorized vehicles, Taman siswa street
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